Eras fellowships document office

Please reference the information below for details on important ERAS and EFDO application dates and deadlines. For information on participating specialties and their application cycle, visit the ERAS Participating Specialties & Program webpage.

July Application Cycle Timeline (for positions starting July 2025)

Once you have purchased your token, register at MyERAS. Go to the MyERAS homepage. Use your token to register, log in and start working on your application.

You may start submitting documents to the EFDO for processing and selecting the fellowship programs to which you plan to apply.

ERAS transmits documents every business day until May 31, 2025.

December Application Cycle Timeline (for positions starting July 2026)

Once you have purchased your token, register at MyERAS. Go to the MyERAS homepage. Use your token to register, log in and start working on your application.

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