Find out how to get emergency financial help from the government if you have been affected by a natural disaster.
Presidentially declared disasters are eligible for help from FEMA. If your area is not eligible, state agencies and other organizations may offer assistance. Learn how to apply.
D-SNAP is a program that provides short-term funds for food if you are in a presidentially declared disaster area. Find out if you are eligible and how to apply.
Learn where to get help with utility bills, credit card payments, student debt, and auto loans after a disaster.
If your business or home suffered damage and is in a presidentially declared disaster area, you may qualify for financial help. Find out how to apply for a small business disaster loan.
Disaster unemployment assistance provides short-term income to people who are out of work due to a disaster. Find out if you are eligible and how to apply.
If you live in a presidentially declared disaster area, you may be eligible for mortgage assistance or financial help to repair or rebuild your home.