Support a care arrangement

Child Safety, foster and kinship care services, approved carers and non-family-based care service providers have common responsibilities for children in care.

Further reading

The Statement of commitment to Queensland's foster and kinship carers outlines Child Safety's commitment to the work in partnership with Queensland's family-based carers.

Child Safety will work in partnership with the child’s care arrangement to implement and achieve the agreed goal and outcomes of the child’s case plan. This may include collaborating to:

Arrange to meet with the carer, their support worker or non-family-based care service providers at regular intervals to ensure the placement agreement:

Provide updated information relevant to the child’s ongoing care

After a carer commences caring for a child, the Child Protection Act 1999, section 83A(2) requires carers to be provided with information about a child that they reasonably need to provide for the child’s going care. If it is reasonably required, provide the carer with information:

Provide the carer with comprehensive information in a way that is easy for the carer to understand, Child Protection Act 1999, section 83A(6).

Respond proactively to emerging issues

If emerging issues about a child’s care arrangement are identified that do not require a standard of care consultation meeting (SOC consultation meeting) with the service provider to discuss a standard of care review or harm report, respond proactively to ensure the identified issue does not continue or escalate.


An early and targeted response to emerging issues in a care arrangment is likely help the stability of the care arrangement and assist in maintaining the required standards of care for the child.

Discuss the emerging issues with the senior team leader for their decision about the next steps. Also make sure:

Practice prompt

If the information indicates that the standards of care may not have been met, or a child may have experienced harm caused by the actions or inactions of a carer, adult household member or non-family-based care staff member, arrange a SOC consultation meeting and work collaboratively with the service provider. (Refer to Respond to concerns about the standards of care or harm to a child in care.)

Discuss the emerging issues with the carer’s support worker from the foster and kinship care service provider, or the manager or coordinator of the service for a non-family-based care arrangement.

The purpose of the discussion is to:

Document the discussion in an ICMS case note, Care arrangement support, in the child’s placement event.


The service provider is primarily responsible for discussing the emerging issues with the carer. This discussion will focus on:

Child Safety is responsible for:

Where relevant, consider and address any systemic matters that may be contributing to the emerging issues, such as:

Further reading

Fulfil legislative requirements in relation to placement agreements

The Child Protection Act 1999, section 84, requires Child Safety and an approved carer to enter into a written agreement regarding a child's care when a child is subject to a: